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User Guide


You can install the package using Pip:

$ pip install freezable

Basic Usage

This package introduces the idea of a "freezable" type; instances of such can be "frozen" or "unfrozen." When frozen, the freezable instance is marked as immutable. Semantically, the object should not and must not be changed.

The Freezable Class

Freezable types are implemented by subclassing the Freezable class:

from freezable import Freezable

class SomeFreezable(Freezable):

You do not need to call init for this class; you only need to subclass it. The subclass is also allowed to inherit from other classes other than Freezable as well.

freeze, unfreeze, and is_frozen

A freezable instance starts off as unfrozen. To freeze a freezable object, use the freeze() method. To unfreeze, use the unfreeze() method. You can check if a freezable object is frozen using the is_frozen() method.

from freezable import Freezable

class SomeFreezable(Freezable):

obj = SomeFreezable()

assert not obj.is_frozen()

assert obj.is_frozen()

assert not obj.is_frozen()

Freezing Disables Setting and Deleting Attributes

While an object is frozen, setting and deleting attributes of that object is disabled; these operations raise a FrozenError while it is frozen.

obj = SomeFreezable()
# Both of these operations will raise a FrozenError:
obj.attr = 5
del obj.attr

This behavior helps ensure the guarantee that the object remains immutable while it is frozen. Note that this introduces some overhead to every attribute set and delete.

If you don't want this behavior (for performance or some other reason), you can override the __setattr__ and __delattr__ methods in the class body:

__setattr__ = object.__setattr__
__delattr__ = object.__delattr__


Your class may have methods that mutate the instance itself. If any of these mutating methods are called while the object is frozen, they may succeed and break the frozen guarantee of the class.

For mutating methods, the package provides the @enabled_when_unfrozen instance method decorator. This decorator enables a method only if the instance is unfrozen. When it is frozen, it raises a FrozenError.

from freezable import Freezable, enabled_when_unfrozen

class SomeFreezable(Freezable):
    def some_mutating_method(self):

frz = SomeFreezable()

assert not frz.is_frozen()
frz.some_mutating_method()  # Does not raise an error when instance is unfrozen

assert frz.is_frozen()
#frz.some_mutating_method()  # Raises `FrozenError` because instance is frozen

Further Reading

This is the end of the user guide. For further information, use the links below or the links on the sidebar to the left.